The Wish Ball

Tuesday Evening—One week after……                                            


‘Magical’ was the word that sprang forth from my grand children’s mouths with the mention of my Malibu nest.  My carved Indian trunk ,with elephants parading around its lower edge, served as a coffee table, per se, upon which antique fairy tale books, a delicate glistening purple glass that held pink and white crystals, and a soft blue blown glass wish ball.

Upon arrival, removal of shoes, the opening of a mystical card that held directions for the treasure hunt of the day,  and the hunt was on! At some point, always, a clue led to the wish ball, hence the deposit of wishes through a tiny hole, never to be retrieved, but surely to come true, and then on to a picnics on the dragon rug.

My daughter’s family moved from LA, where back and forth visitng was frequent, to a community farther south, when the pandemic arrived. The visits were no longer frequent and Indra, the youngest had no experience at all of the Mamgee cottage, though tales of ‘it’ kept it very much alive.

                                                The Story

Yesterday my daughter called me from her car, Indra in tow, and the phone speaker on.

“Hi Mom, how are you doing?”

“MAMGEEEEE! What’s the fire doing?”

“Oh my goodness, Indra, the fire is behaving a bit like popcorn, popping up here and there and you never know where it’s going to come next, but you’re safe and so am I”

“Good! But when your things burned, what about the wish ball?”

“Hmmm, well, the wish ball is gone, but you know what?”


“I think a new wish ball is coming. And you know what?”


“I think YOU should be the very first person to make a wish on it, what do you think?”

“YES!!!!!! I would like to!”

“Wonderful!  One day, hopefully soon, you will come see me and it will be waiitng>”

“But where will I come?”

“Well, I don’t exactly know right now, but when I figure that out I will need help in making a new home, will you help me?”

“YES!!! And can Luciana, and Moses and Huck help too?”

“Oh Yes! That would be the most wonderful thing! We will do it together!”.

                                                 THE END

And healing happened in that conversation.

And if you look very carefull, you can see the wish ball half in/half out of the picture.

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