Three Kings Day

January 6, Malibu, 2024

Epiphany Day, otherwise known as Three Kings Day. 

And WHAT????? Twelve drummers drumming! Down on the beach!

Will the three kings be appearing on the horizon next? On camels?

Being the daughter of a passionately unrestrained scholar, I know something about the symbolism of these three kings, a symbolism that we each inherit, if we pay attention, as we are each a hollow bone to be played and to be blown through by spirit. 

But First? The sacred or spiritual king. 

Second?  The earthly king. 

Third?  The personal or internal king. 

Do with this information what you will, as it is not for one to interpret for another. BUT remember! 

Each king wears a crown, which represents ‘crone wisdom and knowing’. 

To me this means HEAVENLY BLESSINGS ALL ‘ROUND and the unfolding of a new time is at hand.

Is that a camel on the horizon?

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