
Time Out for the Flu!

And now I’m back! The skies are perfectly and uncharacteristically, cloud laden! A gentle light to touch and surround, as one baby step at a time, one re-enters the world after being in a whoosey cocoon.

Whilst peddling my cookies on the streets of Santa Monica, over a year ago,  I met and made friends with many of the small shop owners. My timing of carrying magical powers in my cookies, blended perfectly with their diminishing clientele as the economy plummeted. Yes, even in fancy upscale Santa Monica! Shop, after shop having to hover on the brink of collapse and then closing up after years of posh patronage. I symbolized a strange sort of positive light for each of them, as here I was, living their absolute worst nightmare, and smiling my way through it carrying a basket of magic cookies. The anticipation of our fears, in my humble experience, is usually far worse that the actual day by day living them. Over and over the question “How do you do it? How? How? How?”

I have no answer for this. How does one breathe? How does one survive the loss of one’s dearest love? How does one deal with cancer or surgery or or or or? I have no answers. We humans are quite amazing in the ‘tangled webs we weave’ in our little brains, and even more amazing in our will to survive and thrive and be well.  One foot moves and then the other, forward. I read once that the word ‘desire’ comes from the Latin ‘of the father’. This knowing runs through me constantly. Whether we want to know it or not, there is a spirit that dwells in these bodies of ours, that is very much ‘of the Father’ and we cannot help ourselves from going forward.

Mother, may I take one giant step? No, you may not. You may take one baby step, And then you may take one more.

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