
A momentary ‘time out’ from distress calls coming through my phone from Inauguration Day to yesterday, but now WHAM. From my toadstool, the momentum around the changing of the guards, to supreme relief, to exhaustion, to a looking reality (to the best of one’s ability) in the eye, resulting in a profound weariness and depression. This coincides with a personal exploration of some of my father’s notes on ceremonies that he conducted as a minister. 

‘We come now to a solemn and sacred moment. 

No one can look at this and not look beyond it,

Just as no one can think of night without thinking of dawn.

There is no finality here, 

there is  promise of a fresh beginning, the doorway into a larger life

We are grateful for all that keeps us believing that our years here have meaning,

that a knowing, caring hand is at the helm,

that love endures when all else ceases.’

Toadstools are to perch upon, and reflect on the love in one’s life.  

We will go forth.

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