
Up, Up and Away!

Yesterday I boarded a plane and flew up, up and away! Airplanes have not been in my personal world for these four years. From the moment that I walked  into the airport, my reality shifted into a surreal out-of-body fog. How many times in my life had I flown? How taken for granted it all used to be. And now? As the plane tilted upwards and I gazed down on my beloved Pacific Ocean,  the only words that escaped my mouth were ‘thank you, thank you, thank you’. This body of water has been a spiritual home for me,  a refuge when I have needed connection, and now I am going elsewhere, as a gift, to ideally gain new perspectives, to my old home and utterly wild…

New York City.

There’s an electrifying energy that hits one between the eyes when one arrives. My challenge on this visit is to be quiet in this vibration. The temptation to thrust a hoard of ‘musts and shoulds’ onto my chaos is real.  DO SOMETHING, come up with a plan, manifest a miracle, anything at all, to pop this bubble of without homeness, please!

But my soul whispers ‘shhhhhhhhh’. And I’m listening, because in silence, answers beyond human brain knowing appear. Real answers.

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