Vulnerability and Trust

In the early 80’s, therapeutic massage was infiltrating communities all over the country that prior to this time had only associated massage with parlors. When it slithered into Charleston, South Carolina, a multitude of male inhabitants licked their chops in titilating curiosity. This happened to coincide with my newly single parenthood situation, and I needed to support my daughters but remain available to them….as in be my own BOSS.

What an adventure.

Yes, I became a massage therapist, working out of my home, with an almost ENTIRELY male clientele. I became their teacher and confidant. New clients receieved a speech at the beginning of the session, clarifying what was acceptable behavior and what was not …hahaha…(I had to practice this one in front of a mirror and burst out laughing every time until the real curtain went up)….but they listened and took me seriously.

THEREFORE I travelled the most incredible road. If a man is lying naked on one’s table and has been warned to not display sexual intentions, what is he to do? Talk. Every single one talked and talked and talked. Others in this profession have shared that talking doesn’t happen with them..but it did with me, and I am honnored. 

Women knee jerk communicate with each other…men do not.

May we all be gentle with the men in our lives and see that this is a societal dilema and once again, we all participate. 

Safety…it’s all about feeling safe in speaking the truth.

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