Watering Delight

Lantana blossoms sit and look at me through my window every morning when I open my eyes.  Birds of Paradise bob and buzz as hummingbirds use them as landing pads. Springy purple daisies line the walkways, alive with bees. In India, when my family arrived at a school or hospital gathering, we were greeted with garlands of jasmine, which we wore around our necks and in our hair. The smell of marigolds  filtered in, adding a touch of pungency. A feeling of beauty and  other worldly sweetness.

What we see or hear or smell or taste that brings sweet pleasure is vital to our well being.

Water these. Feed your frantic heart with softness. Our world is in transition. Upheaval is an element of transition. Delight can be buried under a mountain of upheaval, or even under a small hill. We must each find the place, in our own environment, in ourselves, where delight is alive and well and thriving. Your delight wants to wrap itself around your heart and sit there.

Sprinkle some water on it.

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