
I wonder as I wander out under the sky, on this day after the rains sprang green lushishness in places where only brown lived,  and non stop frog singing filled every nook, and clouds boisterously made their presence known….I wonder.

 This morning wispy clouds float laziily rolling their eyes at we humans and sighing, as if to say “Why is one dramatic natural event any more magnificent than all that you are surrounded by every second?”

We allow the challenges of the times to affect our seeing and being. Once upon a time ago these words passed by me from somewhere:

”We are too little to be able to rise above difficulties. Well then, let us pass beneath them quite simply”.

From this moment onward, clouds, every single time I spy you up there, whatever shape or size or hues you are experimenting with, I will now remember to pass beneath you quite simply, with appreciation, and trust that one day, when the earth has had its final ways with me, I will rise up and luxuriate in your perspective of being above. 

And then surely shake my head, as being above, being beneath, floating hither and yon in body or otherwise, is no better or worse, simply always a gift.

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